- Steve needs some coffee.
- Doug: Rain. Cool weather. Cloudy skies. Sounds good.
- Pam says children with cancers turn into tiny adults too soon.
- Amy posted pics of a snowy morning in Bend.
- Robert says that was one cold game last night.
- Devin is looking for a DJ or wannabe DJ or two that would be interested in helping out with a News Years Eve event.
- Steve brewed 12 gallons of weizenbock today. Good recovery after yesterday's woes.
- Frank posted some pics of a balloon ride over NC.
- John says mud and tape and football!
- Martha says there is snow on Bogus Basin. I didn't see it.
- Ken did a 21 mile bike ride, every bit of it against the wind.
- Cherie wonders why it went from summer to winter in 3 days? I agree, fall was way too short.
- Chuck posted a link to the web cams at Bogus, there is indeed snow.
- Paul: hmm... what an evil kill... It's number 666 in Mafia Wars.
- Tyler posted a pic of oatmeal scotchies. Maybe some will make their way to work tomorrow.
- Keoni is enjoying his Sunday, good food, good people, and football.
- Wanda is enjoying the rain this afternoon.
- Sarah got a little bookshelf and a bundle of books.
- Steve says Go Cowboys! I wish Romo had showed up to play, he cost me in FF today.
- Lisa is bone tired, in a good way.
- Kristin posted some pics of horse riding in Owyhee Canyonlands.
- Marcy is going to watch some Fringe tonight. She may quote Walter Bishop.
- Dianne wishes everyone a good Monday. Packers at Vikings, it'll be good!
- Scott got a deer.
- Paul played some Mafia Wars, but there was a break while the Steelers were on.
I didn't hear for sure, but in the comments it sounds like Rebecca did have her baby today. Congrats!